Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wheel of No Fortune

Well, I guess it's official. I'm not Wheel of Fortune material. :) I guess I should explain. About a month ago, Chad and I were watching some t.v. when something came on that got me excited. The WHEEL MOBILE was coming to town. Yes, that's right. The WHEEL MOBILE. Not only was it coming to town, but it was stopping about 5 miles from my house and holding open auditions for Americas favorite game show. (Wheel of Fortune - for those of you not in the loop) :) At that moment I knew what I had to do. So April 15th I got all glammed up, dropped the kid off with her Noni and headed to get my chance to spin the wheel. The only other two people I could find to go with me were my friend Tiffany and her sister. Everyone else I invited kinda did that laugh, you know the one where they're laughing at you, but trying to play it off. That's okay, I was kinda laughing at me too. But seriously, how could I not go? It was a random drawing where they called you on stage to interview you and play a mock game with 5 contestants at a time. Unfortunately none of our names were drawn, but we had a good time anyway. If they only knew how good I am. Seriously, I can solve those problems like nobodies business. Here's to trying. My camera broke while I was there so no pictures. If I get some from one of the others I'll post them. I did get a free Wheel of Fortune pen and CD ROM just for showing up. Yep, that's what we call hitting the jackpot. Although my pen never really worked and I don't know what I did with the CD.


destiny said...

Awww....that would've been so cool!! Sorry you didn't get picked! Good for you for going for it, though!!

Ashlie said...

Did I do the laugh? I probably did, but I wasn't laughing at YOU, I promise! I was probably laughing at the sheer terror of actually being picked and then seeing my flaws (real & imagined) blown up on television for who-knows-how-many people to see! *shudder* And, I really did have eye surgery the day before! I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted someone with bloody eyes on the show! Was that TMI? I'm babbling...I'm glad you had a great time!

Btw, does "glammed up" mean you were wearing one of your awesome hairdos? You have the coolest hair ever! Really!

Michelle said...

HA! You funny thing you!