Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mom and Dad please don't be mad at me! :) So in celebration of losing 8 lbs. ( this was suppose to be a reward for losing 10lbs, I just decided to round up) I treated myself by doing something I've wanted to do for a while now. I got my nose pierced! I would like to thank all of those who made this possible...to mom and dad who are two of the most loving and tolerant parents a girl could ask for, to aunt Debbie and uncle Kenny for providing the workout equipment so I could start shedding all this that jiggles, to my beautiful cousin Lacy who watched my Lily so I wouldn't have to bring her in a tattoo parlor at the tender age of 5 months, to Laura for going with me and holding my hand (I wouldn't have gone without you), and to my ever supportive husband who provided the dough to pay for my little reward. I love you all! :)
Yum Yum
Noni gave Lily her first sip of Coke. Can't be for sure, but by the way her eyes widened and she practically ripped the glass from her hand, I would say she liked it.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Working Out

We had Lily's second Physical Therapy session this week. Her therapist is wonderful and they all just love when Lily comes in. We came home this time with a couple of exercises and streches and will go back in a month to see if she needs some boots. No worries though, she won't let anything keep her down.
A Tiny Offering

Mother's Day 08' also marked another special occasion for the Osbon household. It was a day of dedication and promise. We stood in front of our church family and vowed to raise Lily in a christian home with Godly influence. Our prayer is that one day she will make the decision for herself and choose to follow Christ. You know I didn't know this before Bro. Keith told us, but Lily means Purity. I love that. When I look at Lily that is all I see, a beautiful, pure heart.
She looked so sweet in her dress...
...and then decided it would taste better in her mouth.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
First day in Nursery

Ohhhh, tell me it gets easier. Chad and I dropped our little girl off at the church nursery for the first time. Mama almost didn't leave. It was like, this is the rest of my life. I will forever be watching my baby grow up and experiancing new milestones. She just goes with the flow while mama is the one with the attachment issues.
After church we had to take a few picutures of my beautiful girl.
For those who know me best, know how much I LOVE gravy. Well, here is a play by play of Lily's first taste.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Girls Night

What an amazing night. You just sat back and let the Holy Spirit move. As soon as I heard Natalie Grant was coming in concert I knew I wanted to go. I'm so glad I did. It was one of those experiances where if you were a Christian you had no choice but to be in the presence of God. I love nights like this where your joined by hundreds of other believers at the feet of Jesus. My Spirit was so overwhelmed by it all.
One more thing...There was a family sitting right beside us with two teenage girls who were raising their hands, singing praises along with their parents. I lost it. All I could think about at that moment was my baby girl. How awesome it would be, in ten or twelve years to be doing this with MY daughter. What a reward as a parent to know you helped guide them into a relationship with their heavenly Father. Hopefully Chad and I will raise Lily to understand what an amazing gift from God she really is and that she will use this life that He has healed to do wonders for His kingdom.

Ashmont Hill and Natalie Grant
So after the concert we all left feeling a little hungry so we decided on Cane's chicken. We should have stopped at this point, but A Krispy Kreme was strategically placed next door to the restaurant. If only the "HOT donut" sign wasn't on. I don't think I need to explain what happened next.

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